Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Can technology help me get away?

Technology has brought all of us very close. At one instant I can reach out to my cousin in another city or country. I don't write letters or have long and interesting conversations, and never miss anyone. I have a very good idea of the political opinions of all my relatives and where all my friends and cousins went for a vacation and also what they cooked over the weekend (photos of food must be uploaded as well!). Is there a way to not know all this? Is there a way to really miss someone. Remember someone without really being able to text them instantly? Is there a way to just engage with some people only once a year that too without literally feeling the anger that they feel over a certain political development? There is off course the 'freedom' to leave the platform. But should the mode of engagement necessarily be 'all or nothing'. Is it possible to retain the elusiveness of the yesteryears and still be a part of the 'connected world'? Am I being nostalgic? or worse, stupid? 

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